Why There Are Words Lit Readings

Why There Are Words Lit Readings on August 11, 2016 in Sausalito, CA : Why There Are Words: Provenance
Join us August 11, 2016, at Studio 333 in Sausalito to hear the following acclaimed authors read from their works on t he theme of “Provenance.” Doors open at 7pm; readings begin at 7:15. $10.00 (cash or check). For more details, including the authors' full bios, see the Why There Are Words website, whytherearewords.com.
Nancy Au's stories have appeared or are forthcoming in SmokeLong Quarterly, The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts, Fiction Southeast, and elsewhere. www.peascarrots.com
Andrea Kneeland is the author of How to Pose for Hustler (Civil Coping Mechanisms, 2015) and The Translations (Sententia Books, 2015). Her collection of fairy tales, The Birds & The Beasts, is forthcoming from Lazy Fascist Press. www.andreakneeland.com
Janice Lee is the author of Reconsolidation (Penny-Ante Editions, 2015), and most recently, The Sky Isn't Blue (Civil Coping Mechanisms, 2016). She is Editor of the #RECURRENT Novel Series and Executive Editor of Entropy. http://janicel.com
Richard Loranger is the author of a book of flash prose, Sudden Windows (Zeitgeist Press, 2016), as well as numerous chapbooks. He is also a visual artist and performer. www.richardloranger.com
Sue Mell has worked in radio for KALW in San Francisco and her stories have appeared in Narrative Magazine. www.suemell.com
Alexandra Naughton's first novel is American Mary (Civil Coping Mechanisms, 2016). She founded Be About It Press in 2010. thetsaritsa.tumblr.com/portfolio
Jesse Prado's first poetry chapbook is I've Been On Tumblr (Be About It Press, 2014). thegreatcratsby.tumblr.com.
Natasha Saje is the author of three books of poems, including Vivarium (Tupelo, 2014), and a book of poetry criticism, Windows and Doors: A Poet Reads Literary Theory (University of Michigan Press, 2014). www.natashasaje.com
Why There Are Words is an award-winning literary reading series curated by founder Peg Alford ...read more

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