The Heart & Soul of Photography


The Heart & Soul of Photography on May 14, 2016 in San Rafael, CA : A workshop by Gregg Cobarr, world renowned photographer (
The Heart & Soul of Photography: Seeing & F eeling
Everybody knows that photography is about seeing. However, this workshop explores photography from a very different perspective, one that emphasizes tapping into what is inside of you, the photographer, so that there is only receiving what is the essence of your subject. You receive the love and energy that exists in whatever subjects you choose to photograph. The act of receiving that love is what you're actually capturing in the image, no matter what subject. When you photograph from the heart, you are facilitating a process that starts inside of you and manifests itself within the image you have created.
In this workshop, you'll not only learn to photograph with pure feeling using some of the techniques created by Gregg Cobarr, you'll actually open new doors of discovery for you whenever you do photography with passion and purpose.
You will learn to photograph without thinking, using only your pure, intuitive feeling. Gregg will show you a very simple technique of breathing while photographing as one method of finding that peaceful space between your thoughts that will help facilitate the intuitive process. This will enable you to help find the spirit inside of you and thus, mirror the spirit inside of your images. You will also understand very clearly how to be totally present while photographing, for that is when you will see most clearly and truly be able to receive that extraordinary image.
Using any type of “photography device”, whether it is more

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