Women's Sacred Earth Retreat on November 18, 2016 in Morgan Hill, CA : • Want to experience the transformational power and healing of the earth?
• Want to feel renewed, connected and alive?
• Want to connect to the streng th and wisdom that lives deep within you?
The 5th annual Women's Sacred Earth Retreat is the place to BE to receive deep rejuvenation and inspiration. Come connect with the peace and beauty of the earth and like-souled women!
• Do you feel most alive and happy outdoors and wish you'd make it more of a priority to get out in nature?
• Do you ever feel that you've lost sight of your vision for your life because daily demands are just too much?
• Or maybe you're searching for clarity and deeper meaning?
This retreat is ideal for:
• Stepping out of the stress of daily life and soaking up the magic and nourishment of the earth
• Reconnecting to what really matters to you and to who you really are
• Deeply listening to what your soul is longing for and what you want to create in your life right now
• Getting support for a life transition, for grieving or for starting a new chapter.
“The Monday I returned to work I felt as though my feet and legs grounded me all the way past the second floor of the building to the basement. I have more confidence and gained a self-awareness that I can access more regularly in my daily life." ~Laura Lutton
The Women's Sacred Earth Retreat is an intimate retreat limited to 10 women. It is led by Amy Biesemeyer MFT (and support staff), who has been guiding transformational outdoor journeys since 2004. Included in the retreat are yummy, healthy meals and camping accommodations. You will need to provide basic camping gear, such as a tent, sleeping bag and ...read more