Why There Are Words: Sugar on December 8, 2016 in Sausalito, CA : Why There Are Words Presents “Sugar,” a Night of Readings
Join the renowned reading series Why There Are Words in December 8, 2016, at Studio 333 in Sausalito to hear the following acclaimed authors read from their works on the sweet theme of “Sugar.” Doors open at 7pm; readings begin at 7:15. $10.00 (cash or check). For more details, including the authors' full bios, see the Why There Are Words website, whytherearewords.com.
Jonathan Cardew's stories, interviews, and articles appear in Atticus Review, Flash, Smokelong Quarterly, and Segue, among others. jonathancardew.wordpress.com
Russell Dillon, a Brooklyn-based poet, is the author of the poetry collection, Eternal Patrol (H_NGM_N Books, 2013). russelldillon.com
Grant Faulkner is the author of Fissures (Press 53, 2015), a collection of one hundred 100-word stories, and is the Executive Director of National Novel Writing Month. grantfaulkner.com/100-word-story
Christine Hale is the author of A Piece of Sky, A Grain of Rice: A Memoir in Four Meditations (Apprentice House Press, 2016). christinehalebooks.com
Matt Hart's most recent books of poetry are Radiant Action (a book-length poem) from H_NGM_N Books, 2016) and Radiant Companion (Monster House Press, 2016).
Kristie Letter's fiction has appeared in The Massachusetts Review, Passages North, The Southern Humanities Review and others. kristiebettsletter.com
Janey Skinner's short stories have been published in KYSO Flash and Best Small Fictions 2016 (Queen's Ferry Press, ed. Styart Dybeck and Tara Masih). janeyskinner.wordpress.com
Why There Are Words is an award-winning reading series curated by founder Peg Alford Pursell, www.pegalfordpursell.com (and now an independent publishing press, WTAW Press, www.wtawpress.org). Over its six year of presenting quality author readings, the series draws a full house of Bay Area residents every second Thursday to Studio 333, located at 333 Caledonia Street, Sausalito, CA ...read more