The Phoenix Journey Workshop

Phoenix Flyer 7-01

The Phoenix Journey Workshop on March 25, 2016 in Sebastopol, CA : YOU CAN LEARN TO FLY AGAIN!
Have you experienced a life and body-altering injury, surgery or illness? Do you feel stuck, unhappy, perhaps doubt you ca n ever enjoy life again? Are you out of touch with your body? Still grieving over the loss of your old self? Then it's time to rise from the ashes of your old life and become reborn like the fabled Phoenix bird, able to heal and shape a new self, a new life filled with hope, self-love, joy, creativity and power!
Through the tools of Hypnosis, Shamanic Journeying, Journaling, Voice Dialogue and Guided Imagery, you'll:
* Create a new, dynamic life vision and identify your "Heroic Story" - the meaning and message behind your health challenge
* Rediscover your Gifts and Inner Power
* Connect with Inner Guidance
*Learn Mind-Body Communication
*Create Life-Affirming Beliefs
*Heal Anger, Grief, Loss and Fear
*Learn to love your new body
*Open Your Heart and Banish Loneliness
To register: contact Gail Raborn at 707-827-3615 [email protected]
Payment due first meeting.
GAIL RABORN, CHT, Instructor:
I'm a Phoenix, who's flown from the ashes of two failed spinal surgeries into a new and more fulfilling life. For 40+ years, I've worked as a Certified Hypnotherapist, Interactive Guide Imagery Therapist, Intuitive and Certified Psychotherapist. I'm affiliated with the Integrative Health Institute within the new Sonoma West Medical Center in Sebastopol, CA. I offer private sessions by telephone and in my Santa Rosa office, plus house calls. For more information, see my website:
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Rebirth After Illness or InjuryWHEN:Friday March 25th - Friday April 29th WHERE:French Garden Restaurant
8050 Bodega Ave.
Sebastopol, CA 95472COST:$85 for series of six classesEvent Website

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