I was born with a wild bohemian soul to enjoy my life every moment. My biggest passion is learning about ancient cultures, art, traditional medicine and philosophy around the world.
My big transformation started in 2010 when receiving mamá aya medicine and since that my life was never the same. Right after, I decided to go to India for 4 years to study meditation, holistic healing, body work and ayurveda. I then assisted and learned under an ayahuasca shaman and alchemist in Hawaii. The last 5 years I’ve been discovering the beauty and wisdom of Central and South America were I have done several ceremonies and workshops. Tantra has been part of my life since India, but professionally I have been practicing for the last 2 years, and deepened my knowledge last year with my training with The International School of Temple Arts (ISTA.)
You can feel I truly love my work. You will be in the centre of my attention and I am going to cherish you with loving touch with my whole body. It is great way to relax, and treat yourself with what you deserve. If you want to feel alive and ecstatic, I am here for you.
Alenka Asha